In other news, how good is the TV show Fringe? very good, though I found the last episode kindof disturbing. One of the characters is named Joseph Smith, and in the episode (spoiler alert) he is surrounded in his house by an "angry mob" of swat-team FBI agents, jumps out a window, and then is shot in the head when he hits the ground. I'm Mormon, and anyone familiar with the history of the LDS church had to feel a little disturbed because that is pretty much exactly how Joseph Smith, LDS prophet, was murdered in 1844. I'm sure its just exec. producer JJ Abrahms trying to work his magic again and build up a quasi-mythology about his fictional TV series backstory, but one has to wonder if such a thinly veiled allusion is actually a anti-Mormon message. I mean, in the show Joseph Smith comes off as a very bad guy.
Now I said I was disturbed, not angry or self-righteous. I'm willing to see how it plays out, and maybe the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph Smith has now reached the sort of cultural relevance that it is subject to parody. That can only be a good thing. When it comes to knowledge of his life's mission I firmly believe any publicity is good publicity.
What do you think? Should I be angry?
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