Monday, October 20, 2008

Second Jazz article up on Jazzbots, plus news.

Second article is up and it is awesome.  It's a little bit of TGIF, as I compare Balki and Cousin Larry from Perfect Strangers to two Jazz players.   Why not, huh?  check it out:

In other news, I just learned my cousin has a web hosting service. Yup, he's got servers and everthing. So I'll be moving over there soon with a blog name that doesn't contain
The name is going to change, and I've got some good ideas for it. Stay tuned. Yaay WordPress. 


1 comment:

James Best said...

Let me know about the ol' webhosting thing. I've wanted to know how much that would cost for a while.

I've checked and there is no

Alright, I'm off to say something very unsportsy on your jazzbots blog.